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The Mobile Workforce Podcast

May 27, 2022

Data is only as good as the information it is able to impart into your business and projects. So why is it so hard today to use the data we have been collecting to make better decisions? It's because there isn't an overarching strategy to drive our collection and retention practices.

Steve Hathaway the Founder and...

May 20, 2022

It can be a real challenge to best understand which projects are the most profitable and which are to be avoided. Sometimes projects can have special incentives that take them from the middle of the pile and can make them a strategic and financially wise decision. The problem is knowing what projects have hidden...

May 13, 2022

What inspires your work? Your family? Hobbies? A job well done? We all have something that drives us but not everyone is able to take that drive and turn it into the lifestyle they dream about. Ask any experienced entrepreneur and they will tell you that finding the balance between sacrificing at your business for your...

May 6, 2022

The complexity of doing business in construction is at an all time high. On top of that the current market is simply going to require that contractors are more engaged, have a clear understanding of their business and fight to squeeze out as much productivity out of their jobs as possible. The good news is technology...